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Activated Charcoal Face Scrub Bar


All Skin Types will LOVE this Activated Charcoal Face Scrub bar.

 It's a bar of soap like no other that is formulated as a gentle face soap and scrub all in one without having a bottle to dispose.

This gentle but powerful Face bar has the cleansing and antimicrobial benefits found in Activated Charcoal, gently removes excess oils, and all without the use of harsh chemicals.

Beneficial for those with Acne, the Activated Charcoal fights bacteria, the Bentonite Clay gently dries out excess oils, and the pulverized walnut shell  clears out pores.

Anyone looking for a face cleanser containing a gentle scrub for a two-in-one process will love this Activated Charcoal Scrub. It's also perfect for those with extremely dry sensitive skin that is allergy-prone - skin that reacts to anything.  

Try it and see.  You won't be disappointed.

Ingredients list: Fresh Raw Goats Milk, coconut oil, olive oil, Castor oil, Activated Charcoal, Bentonite Clay, pulverized                                         

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